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A Journey through God's Will Part 1

Where do I start when I start talking about the past 8 months during this what seems like a lifetime of a journey!!??

My mom was healthy and doing her thing until May 24, 2014.  She had been at my cousin's home for two weeks taking care of her after breast cancer surgery. Cancer runs all through my mom's side of our family!  My mom had a terrible sinus upper respiratory infection while she was there, and her doctor would not call her in a prescription being in another town.  She felt awful!  She was tired, stressed and just plain worn out.  Come to find out, my mom had a mini stroke while she was at my cousin's home.  My mom is a nurse, so she called her doctor immediately and got an appt for the next day after returning home.  The doctor confirmed what my mom was thinking and ordered a CT Scan of her brain for that Thursday.  

The Wed. night before her CT Scan is a night I will never forget.  My daughter and I called my mom after church on our way home, and she asked me "are you alone?"  I replied, "no, Claire is with me."  She said in a strange voice I had never heard, "call me when you get home and you are alone."  Of course, my heart starts racing!!  I got home and got all of the kids bathed and tucked in and made the phone call that was so prevalent on my mind.  My mom spoke to me as if were going to be the last time we ever spoke during this conversation.  I cried and prayed with her for God's will, and boy, neither of us knew what was about to strike our family!!

This is my momma, 3 months after being diagnosed with a Grade 4 Gioblastoma on the right side of her brain.  

My mom went to get her CT Scan that Thursday and ended up being halo flighted to the hospital in Memphis, TN to have emergency brain surgery.

But the story does not end there....God is good, and He is faithful!! 

Visit back later this weekend, and I will share more of the hard but joyous story of this great momma!!

Many Blessings til then,

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