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My Top 10 MOST FAVORITE Oils for the Holidays!!

I can not express how much I am in love with my Young Living Oils!!  I became a wholesale member a few months back to give my family and my home a chance at a better health and wellness.   
If you know me, which you will if you are subscribing to this blog, I try to make my life as SIMPLE as possible.  I truly believe that if we use what God gave us in the manner in which He intended it...then we can live simply!! 

Young Living helps me do that!!  

So here are my TOP 10 for the Holidays!!


This oil does wonders for so many things...even gets rid of cooked bacon and food smells!!  I use this on my dogs to keep pests like fleas and mosquitoes away too.  1-2 drops on the back of their necks once a bugs or pests!! Our pets in our homes or traveling to our family's homes need to be pest free!!

What I love about Young Living is they produce safe and effective oils for the WHOLE family...these are AMAZING!!!  Even gentle enough for newborns...I used some this week on my 2 day old grandson!!

This stuff smells nasty (to me) but it WORKS!!! And when you need something to kill the stomach bug and stop the vomiting...this is YOUR oil!!  Honestly, when you are that doesn't matter that it has a licorice smell...2 drops topically on your tummy and one drop in your mouth...BYE BYE BUG!! Also great for over stuffing during the holidays or car sickness during holiday travel!!

This precious oil is listed at 4...but my family would say it is #1 in their book hahahaha
One of the things I love so much about this oil is that it only takes 1 drop put on the side of your throat to trying to figure out a new place everyday to place hassling with patches, creams, and artificial stuff!!  This oil makes for HAPPY WIVES AND MOMMIES
Great for de-stressing during the holidays or any day...and they call it the "Dragon Slayer" for a reason...many actually lol

I admit it...I have been using this oil DAILY lately!!  It smells so wonderful, and it is helping me through a very stressful holiday season with my mom's brain cancer (more on this in another post later)
Many of my customers use it for their vertigo, anxiety, depression
I use it also in my hubby's aftershave cream he puts all over his head lol...he chooses to be bald...and I love it!! I mix it with coconut oil and he smells yummy...and it helps with all the sun damage on his head.

I know, technically, that there is more than 3 oils on here...but all of the EVERYDAY OILS that come in your Premium Starter Kit (along with #10 coming up) DESERVE their own glory!!  Some of them are listed above already, and the rest are just as awesome!!  The MANY MANY MANY uses just one oil does is amazing, but you get eleven (11) oils in the Starter Kit....whoo hoo!!

The unlimited amount of things you can do with one or more of these...personally, I want one in every room, are ENDLESS!!!

So, we know the Holidays are a time to treasure time with family and loved ones, but our health and well being suffer from the stress of it all.  Now, you have some tools to combat all that comes with daily life and the Holiday seasons.

Here is my link to find out more about Young Living and to sign up to get these amazing oils and so much more with Wholesale Pricing!!! Merry Christmas

Many blessings friends and the happiest of holiday seasons to you!!


Be your Child's Greatest Cheerleader

We are close to having a very long break in our Home school schedule!!  Cheering is loud on that one!!

I want to encourage other parents like myself, who try our hardest to make sure our kids KNOW they are loved from the tops of their heads to the soles of their feet, to move out of the "good job!" and "way to go!" box.

I am making an effort to be a "cheerleader" for my kids!!  Not the dress up, rah rah kind...the kind that makes your children FEEL that you are 100% in their corner.

I am attaching a link to the Proverbs 31 Ministries  "Be your Child's Greatest Cheerleader"to share with all parents...not just home schooling ones...and I encourage you to join with me.

They say it takes 21 days to break a habit and 21 days to make a habit...I want my habit to be encouraging my children so they can encourage others!!  The list consists of simple things like putting a Bible verse on their bathroom mirror or bring them their favorite snack while they are studying.  Each "task" can be modified for smaller or older children too!!

Join with me!!

Happy Holidays, and I pray you enjoy your break too!!

Many Blessings,


God definitely made us... (Part 2)

Hello to all!  Ok, so where we left off was I was going to share with you ALL that was on my "lists" when I received my ALCAT test results.  Brace yourselves!!  I had to lol

The lists are color-coded with a green one being "Foods to eat", the orange one being "Foods to consume every 3-6 months", and the RED being "Foods to NEVER EVER EVER EVER put in your body again"!!

Here were my RED FOODS:
Bell Peppers*
Brussel Sprouts*
Black Pepper
Egg Whites
Brewer's Yeast
Cow's Milk

Blue Star (*) next to them are foods I have detested all my life, so I was pretty happy to see those!!  It is funny how your body repels foods you are not supposed to have, but their are foods on this list that I love...and that, my friends, threw me into a 2-week panic mode!!

Looking at this list, I thought "What can I eat!!???"  Even today, years later, people ask me that same question.  But God is good all the time, and He is faithful to bring us through it if He brought us to it...AMEN!!??  So after crying for 2 weeks and not knowing what to cook or eat, I empowered myself and made the necessary changes.  My doctor suggested (because even he was like "holy moly!' when he saw my list, that I start slowly and remove things slowly.  Did I do that?  NO!!  I went cold turkey and took it ALL out of my diet.  Guess what?

Four weeks into this, I had energy, no pain, no lethargy, no stomach issues...NO SYMPTOMS of anything I had been diagnosed with!!  I had so much energy, I started teaching Zumba for adults and kids three times a week!!

If there is anyone out there diagnosed with IBS, fibromyalgia, lupus, eczema, asthma, adult acne, adrenal fatigue, basically anything that your body is saying "HELLO!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?"  I want to urge you to get this test done!!

Two years into my food allergy journey, I had my son, who was twelve at the time, tested too.  He was having asthma, upper respiratory issues, stomach issues, and bleeding when he had bowel movements DAILY!!  It was a scary thing.

On my next post, I will share his won't believe what we found out he was allergic to!!

Many Blessings to ya,


God definitely made us...

Luke 12:7 says "And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows."

This verse spoke volumes to me when I read it for probably the 400th time one day a few years back.  We know that God made us so very UNIQUE!!  So unique, in fact, that learning about my food allergies from a simple blood test would change the course of my life FOREVER!!

I was reminded today listening to the radio on a XM station from Ryan Seacrest of all people, that our blood is like no others, and we can diet and exercise til the cows come home...but God made us unique, and finding out what is good just for YOU to eat and NOT eat for that crucial!!

Three years ago, you would not have recognized me...if you knew me then like you know me now.  I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, insomnia, and basically every gland issue you can have.  Not to mention all the trips to the bathroom after eating certain foods.  I knew where EVERY bathroom was in every restaurant and store because if any of you have food allergies or intolerances, you know they hit you hard and fast!!  I would sleep (with the help of pills of course) 9-10 hours and wake up exhausted!!  My whole body hurt just to move not to mention if anyone wanted to hug me or touch me, I cried it hurt so much!!  I would come home from teaching and fall on the couch in pain and from complete major fatigue.  It was a nightmare on me, my family and my marriage.

I had an episode due to an event of high stress that sent my body into crash and burn overdrive!  I went to the hospital, and they thought I was having a major anxiety attack after a minor stroke.  My world and my body had gotten to the point of no return.  SOMETHING HAD TO CHANGE!!

Luckily, I have a wonderful doctor who is not only great with western medicine but also holistic medicine as well.  He gave me all my diagnoses and the list of meds that I would have to take for the rest of my life, and I took a stand and said "Heck No!!"  I wanted a solution...not a band aid!  He agreed, and we decided to figure out how my diet was causing all of these symptoms so....

Three days later (one day after my 37th birthday) I got my ALCAT TEST done and patiently waited for the results.  They came two weeks later in a nice, organized folder with "sections" colored in green, orange, and red.

I heard Ryan Seacrest talking about his testing he just got his results back for today on air, and he too has been changed for the better....for good!

I will be back later this week to share with you what all was on my "lists" and how I took charge of who God made me to be!!  Also, how my journey with food allergies and intolerances helped my son two years into my journey of change.

Helping one another make real changes for the purpose of a great life!!

Many Blessings,